ACTRIS Community

ACTRIS has a large European-wide community.

At the moment 22 countries have shown their commitment at organizational or state level and overall ACTRIS community involves more than 100 research performing organizations.



The documents for National Contact Persons are available here.


Countries participating in ACTRIS





The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

The national ACTRIS consortium consists of seven partners, five Universities, the Austrian weather service, ZAMG and the private company LuftBlick. The Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research supports ACTRIS-AUSTRIA. There are regular physical meetings and limited national funding for our networking activities. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will be signed by the partners by the end of 2019.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Person:

Jochen Wagner, Division for Biomedical Physics, Medical University, Innsbruck

National Website:


The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

Belgium does not yet have a national Roadmap but is planning to have one in the future. The Belgian (federal) Science Policy Office is supporting ACTRIS. There is not yet any MoU nor official consortium document established.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Person:

Bart Dills, Royal Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BIRA-IASB)



The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

The ACTRIS-BG Bulgarian national consortium consists of two research organizations, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy and Institute of Electronics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, which have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The organizations are involved in ACTRIS activities with their atmospheric measurement sites – mountain station BEO Moussala (for aerosol in situ observations) and Sofia EARLINET lidar station (for aerosol remote-sensing observations). Since June 2017 ACTRIS-BG has been on the Bulgaria National roadmap for research infrastructure 2017-2023, which is a clear sign for the national recognition of the conducted research.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Persons:

Dimitar Tonev, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy (INRNE)

Nina Nikolova, Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

National website:


The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

ACTRIS-Cy has been ranked first of the ESFRI projects in the Expression of Interest coordinated in July 2017 by the Directorate General for European Programmes, Coordination and Development (DGEPCD) in the framework of the 2016 National Roadmap. The governance structure of ACTRIS-Cy is currently being setting up.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Person:

Prof. Jean Sciare, EEWRC director, The Cyprus Institute

Czech Republic

Czech Republic

The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

Based on the long-term collaboration on implementation of the national and international projects, monitoring programmes and networks, four partners (Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, The Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS, v.v.i., Global Change Research Institute of the CAS, v.v.i., Masaryk univerzity CAS, v.v.i.), signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Future Cooperation in 2013 and formally established the ACTRIS consortia in the Czech Republic. 

ACTRIS-CZ is on the national research infrastructure roadmap.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Person:

Milan Váňa, Czech Hydrometeorological Institute

National website:


The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

ACTRIS-DK is the Danish component of the distributed research infrastructure ACTRIS. ACTRIS-DK is constituted by a national ACTRIS consortium of the Research Performing organizations (RPOs) Aarhus University and University of Copenhagen.  The RPOs contribute to ACTRIS national Facilities with observational and exploratory platforms which focus on the studies of aerosol formation, growth, and processes. Aarhus University is running all monitoring networks in Denmark and in Greenland including particle size distribution measurements. ACTRIS-DK is not on the national research infrastructure roadmap, but initiatives are taken to have it on the road map in the future.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Person:

Henrik Skov, Aarhus University


The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

ACTRIS-EE is the Estonian component of the distributed research infrastructure ACTRIS. Currently 3 Research Performing Organizations participate in the ACTRIS-EE national consortium:  the Estonian University of Life Sciences, the University of Tartu, the Estonian Environmental Research Centre, and Tartu Observatory. Formally, the Estonian University of Life Sciences, the University of Tartu, and the Estonian Environmental Research Centre are associated partners of ACTRIS. The RPOs manage the research sites providing in-situ and remotely-sensed observations on aerosol, trace gases, dynamics and thermodynamic, and experimental platforms for investigating atmospheric air quality. ACTRIS-EE comprehends different building blocks including national observation services, multi-parameter instrument sites, experimental simulation platforms, and calibration centres for aerosol instrumentation. There is not yet a statement from official Estonian stakeholders on ACTRIS participation. Lobby work is conducted.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: 

Contact Person:

Steffen M. Noe, Estonian University of Life Science


logo finland


The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

ACTRIS-FI is the Finnish component of the distributed research infrastructure ACTRIS. ACTRIS-FI will host the ACTRIS Head Office and the statutory seat of the ACTRIS legal entity. ACTRIS Head Office will comprehend the ERIC Management Unit, RI Operations Unit, and Strategies and Relation Unit. ACTRIS-FI is organized as a consortium of 4 Research Performing Organizations (RPOs): the University of Helsinki (UHEL), the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), the University of Eastern Finland (UEF), and Tampere University (TAU). The RPOs contribute to ACTRIS Central Facility by hosting, coordinating and supporting the ACTRIS Data Centre namely the CloudNet database (FMI), ACTRIS Centre for Cloud Remote Sensing and ACTRIS Centre for Aerosol and Reactive Trace Gases in-situ Measurements (UHEL). ACTRIS-FI is based on a large number of existing observational sites (SMEAR I-IV) and exploratory platforms operating on a national level from the Baltic Sea to Finnish Arctic, as well high-quality observation sites overseas (Antarctic Peninsula) and Northern Siberia. ACTRIS-FI belongs to the Finnish RI roadmap 2014-2020 as a major part of INAR (Institute of Atmospheric and Earth System Research).

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Person:

Tuukka Petäjä (ACTRIS-Finland Director), University of Helsinki


Silja Häme (ACTRIS-Finland Coordinator), University of Helsinki


National Website:


logo france


The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

ACTRIS-FR is on the French National Roadmap since 2016 and is in its interim phase until the signature of the consortium agreement (currently being finalized). The governance structure comprises the following 4 different bodies: general assembly, executive board, scientific board, and directorate.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Person:

Person: Stephane Sauvage (ACTRIS France Coordinator), Institute Mines Telecom (IMT) Nord Europe

National website:


The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

ACTRIS-D has been selected for the German National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures in 2019.The consortium ACTRIS-D consists of 11 RPOs which have signed Letters of Commitment regarding the long-term operation of ACTRIS infrastructure. Eight RPOs have signed Letters of Intent to support the ESFRI Roadmap process.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member


Person: Dr. Ulla Wandinger, Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)


The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

Several  Greek  institutions,  both  Universities  and  Research  Performing  Organizations, work on ACTRIS related research activities since about 20 years within several research and collaboration projects. ACTRIS-GR is on the Greek National Roadmap since 2016 under the name PANACEA. It will be enter soon in its preparation phase and the consortium agreement, will be signed until mid- 2018. The ACTRIS-GR foreseen, as a governance body, the General Assembly and a coordination team for a day-to-day activities managing.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Person:

Nikolaos Mihalopoulos, University of Crete and National Observatory of Athens


The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

The ACTRIS-Ireland consortium is yet to be formalised. The two main participants (NUIG and UCC) are already part of ACTRIS and EUROCHAMP-2020. Discussions have been initiated with Met Éireann and plans to engage with the principal funding agencies (EPA, SFI, IRC), as well as the relevant government departments are in place. The aim is to secure a letter of intent signed by the ministries/funding agencies  and  prepare  a  Memorandum  of  Understanding  between the  consortium members.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: 

Contact Person: 

John Wenger, University College Cork (UCC)


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The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

The Italian ACTRIS consortium is organized in a Joint Research Unit named ACTRIS Italy (ACTRIS- IT), which was formally established in October 2017 and officially recognized in September 2018 by the Italian Ministry of Research and Education and seven Italian institutions. The consortium includes Universities and Research Performing Organizations that have been carrying out ACTRIS-related research activities for about 15 years in the frame of several research and collaboration projects. 
The ACTRIS-IT has a governance body, the General Assembly already established, which is the major decision body, and a coordination team for day-to-day management. All the parties of the JRU contribute in terms of human and instrumental resources. 
ACTRIS is included in the PNIR, the national research infrastructure roadmap, available on-line here

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Person:

Lucia Mona, National Research Council of Italy

National website:



The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

The ACTRIS consortium in The Netherlands has a formal collaboration agreement under the name of CESAR (Cabauw Experimental Site for Atmospheric Research). The collaborating parties are KNMI, TU-Delft, TNO, RIVM, Wageningen University, Utrecht University and ESA-ESTEC.

The CESAR facility is on the National Roadmap for large-scale scientific research infrastructures. The proposal Ruisdael Observatory submitted in response to an infrastructure call for the National Roadmap has recently been awarded. The Ruisdael Observatory is a project from the joined CESAR and ICOS-NL consortia. The ICOS-NL partners have signed declarations of intention to join the CESAR collaboration agreement.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contacts Person:

Arnoud Apituley, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)


The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

ACTRIS-NO contributes to the pan-European initiative by implementing the Norwegian scientific and operational components such that they are adequate for ACTRIS on the European level, but also address the specific needs of the national research community and stakeholders.

ACTRIS-NO aims to have a central role in the European ACTRIS Data Centre in the future, and additionally contribute with high-quality observations from Norwegian observatories. In particular, the Norwegian observatories will cover the Polar Regions, both Arctic, and Antarctica, producing high-quality data of aerosol, cloud, and trace gas variables from these challenging and highly vulnerable areas.

ACTRIS-NO is based on a number of different building blocks including four national observatories, and ACTRIS Data Centre. NILU has coordinated the ACTRIS data centre ACTRIS Data Center and the primary database for in situ data EBAS since the start of ACTRIS, and even ranging back from the pre-projects EUSAAR and CREATE at the start of the year of 2001.

ACTRIS-NO will contribute by continuation and strengthen the data production from:

Birkenes Observatory, 58.23N, 8.15E, 190 m a.s.l., regional background site located in a forest area in the southern part of Norway. Birkenes is an ACTRIS aerosol in situ measurement site for which data also supports other programs and RIs (EMEP, ICOS). Zeppelin Observatory, 78.91N, 11.89E, 474 m, is a hemispheric background site in the Arctic located at a mountain top at Svalbard. Zeppelin is an ACTRIS aerosol and trace gas in situ measurement site, for which data also supports other programs and RIs (EMEP, ICOS, AGAGE, AMAP and others). Trollhaugen Observatory, 72S, 2.5E, 1309 m hemispheric background site in the Antarctica, continuous aerosol in situ measurement program, aim to comply with ACTRIS, but special procedures are required due to the extremely remote location. Arctic Lidar Observatory for Middle Atmosphere Research- ALOMAR, 69.3N, 16.0E, 380 m, regional background site located on a mountain on Andøya, Northern Norway. ALOMAR is an ACTRIS aerosol profile site offering lidar aerosol products, and sun/moon photometer data, the latter in collaboration with ACTRIS-Spain.

There is a memorandum of understanding between NILU, Met.No, and Andøya Space Center working actively on setting up ACTRIS in Norway. ACTRIS-Norway receives support from the Norwegian Research Council for Norwegian participation in preparations of research infrastructures on ESFRI Roadmap. This is support is for the period 2017-2019.  

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Person:

Cathrine Lund Myhre (National Contact Person and coordinating the Norwegian contribution), NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research

National website:

The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

The consortium of ACTRIS-Poland consists of seven RPOs, four Universities, two Polish Academy of Sciences Institutes and National Research Institute. In January 2020, ACTRIS-Poland Consortium was successful in placing ACTRIS-Poland on the National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures. 
Partners of ACTRIS-Poland maintain and develop the existing four measurement sites selected so as to reasonably cover the country. Those are considered the priority sites, which are targeted to be fully operational by the end of 2025. The development of the mobile laboratory is most challenging, being a joint effort of all RPOs, yet crucial for increasing the national visibility of ACTRIS-Poland via its future operation at different locations in Poland. Moreover, ACTRIS-Poland community started collaboration with ICOS-Poland community to support their development of high tower atmospheric measurement site via collocation with one of the ACTRIS sites. The ACTRIS-Poland Mobile Laboratory and the ACTRIS-ICOS collocated site are both forseen to be developed after 2025. 


Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Persons:

Aleksander Pietruczuk, Institute of Geophysics Polish Academy of Sciences


Iwona Stachlewska, Institute of Geophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw



The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

Since 2009, the University of Evora through ICT (former CGE-Geophysics Centre of Evora) is the only Portuguese associated partner of the ACTRIS projects (ACTRIS, ACTRIS2, ACTRIS-PPP) Only in 2015, the Portuguese research institutions started to organize them self as a consortium and nowadays the Portuguese ACTRIS community is discussing with the decision makers about the setup of the consortium; there is not yet any MoU nor official consortium document established. ACTRIS is not inserted yet in the national Roadmap. The Portuguese Science Foundation is partially supporting national ACTRIS activities of the associated partner. A meeting with the Portuguese funding authorities to solicit support for ACTRIS is soon envisaged.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: 

Contact Person: Daniele Bortoli, Institute of Earth Sciences – University of Evora


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The status of the national ACTRIS consortium

ACTRIS-RO is organized as a consortium of institutions, with a MoU signed. The consortium includes RPOs that are potentially hosting NFs and CF Units, but also institutions that are ACTRIS users (Universities, public services, SMEs). ACTRIS-RO has been recently included on the national research infrastructure roadmap. ACTRIS-RO has applied for structural funds to build further its capacities. For example, MARS site has been approved and is currently under construction. Other applications are foreseen in the near future. 

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member


Person: Doina Nicolae, National Institute of R&D for Optoelectronics

National website:


The status of national ACTRIS consortium

ACTRIS-Spain is currently organized under a Memorandum of Understanding signed by 11 RPOs, namely:

  • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)
  • Agencia Estatal de Meteorología (AEMET)
  • Barcelona Supercomputer Center – Centro Nacional de Supercomputación (BSC)
  • lnstituto lnteruniversitario de lnvestigación del Sistema Tierra en Andalucia.
  • Universidad de Granada (IISTA-UGR)
  • Centro de lnvestigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT)
  • Fundación de la Comunitat Valenciana Centro de Estudios Ambientales del Mediterráneo (CEAM)
  • lnstituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial (INTA)
  • Universidad Miguel Hernández (UMH)
  • Universidad de Valladolid (UVA)
  • Universitat de València (UV)
  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)

The Spanish National Research Infrastructure Roadmap does not exist at present, but the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, from which research infrastructures depend, has expressed its interest in ACTRIS by providing a letter of intent to the coordinator of the ESFRI proposal. In addition, the RPOs have also provided letters committing in-kind support.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member


Person: Amalia Muñoz, CEAM

Person: Carlos Toledano, Valladolid University

National website:



The status of national ACTRIS consortium

ACTRIS Sweden is formally established (Memorandum of Understanding), involving Lund University, Stockholm University, Gothenburg University, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, and Uppsala University. Since we are co-locating with ICOS at several sites in Sweden, we aim to integrate extensively with the ICOS Sweden management structure.

The links between ICOS Sweden and ACTRIS Sweden remain to be formalized. A major change in organization will be the establishment of a separate ACTRIS Sweden Coordination Office, assuming responsibilities and duties for all ACTRIS-related activities at the selected sites. This office may be co-located with the ICOS Sweden Coordination Office at Lund University. The ACTRIS Sweden Coordination Office will be led by a Director assisted by a Science Officer or similar, both experienced in ACTRIS activities. The current ICOS Board may be modified or enlarged to ensure that competences within all the research fields that are addressed by ACTRIS are also well represented. The Board is responsible for the economy and the overall and long-term strategy of ICOS-ACTRIS Sweden.

ACTRIS Sweden is on the Swedish national roadmap for research infrastructures. Following the previous comprehensive inventory of Swedish national research infrastructure needs during 2015-2016, the Swedish Research Council (VR) ranks ACTRIS Sweden as belonging to group A2, the second highest infrastructure priority group. One requirement from VR before upgrading ACTRIS to the highest A1 priority group (with permission to apply for research infrastructure funding) involves close collaboration between ACTRIS and ICOS.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: –


Person: Erik Swietlicki, Lund University

National website:


The status of national ACTRIS consortium

The national ACTRIS consortium consists of six partners: PSI, Empa, PMOD/WRC, ETH Zurich, University of Berne, and MeteoSwiss, which run two central facility units and four national facilities. ACTRIS was included in the Swiss Roadmap for Research Infrastructures in 2019 and received financial support from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation for implementing ACTRIS-Switzerland from 2021 onwards. Switzerland joined the ACTRIS ERIC as a founding member with the status of a permanent observer.

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Persons:

Martin Gysel, Paul Scherrer Institute

National website:

United Kingdom

The status of national ACTRIS consortium

Currently, the consortium is informal and there is no UK infrastructure roadmap, although one is in preparation. A UK ACTRIS website is being developed and virtual and face-to-face meetings were organized in 2018. 

Membership Status in the Interim ACTRIS Council: Member

Contact Person:

Geraint Vaughan, National Centre for Atmospheric Science (NCAS) and School of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Manchester