Main users of ACTRIS data and software
ACTRIS will produce data and data products essential to a wide range of communities as described in detail in the Stakeholder Handbook, section “Users” including:
- Atmospheric science research communities world-wide
- The climate and air-quality, observational/ experimental/ modelling/ satellite communities, national and international research programmes and organisations;
- Environmental science research communities and communities from other neighboring fields: hydro-marine, bio-ecosystem, geosciences, space physics, energy, health, and food domain, to study interactions and processes in across different disciplines;
- Instrument manufacturers and sensor industries for development, testing, prototyping and demonstration;
- Operational services, National weather services, climate services for model validation, weather and climate analysis and forecasting;
- Space agencies for validation and the development of new satellite missions;
- National and regional air quality monitoring networks and environmental protection agencies for air quality assessments and validation of air pollution models;
- Policy makers and local/ regional/ national authorities for climate, air-quality, health and atmoshperic hazards related information for decision making and policy development.
- Copernicus atmospheric monitoring service (ECMWF)
- Science community working on air quality, climate change and stratospheric ozone depletion issues